

続・初めてのPerl 改訂第2版 (Randal L. Schwartz(著)brian d foy(著)Tom Phoenix(著)伊藤 直也(監修)長尾 高弘(翻訳)、オライリージャパン)の4章(リファレンス入門)、4.11(練習問題)3の解答を求めてみる。


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.30;

my %gilligan_info = (
	name     => 'Gilligan', 
	hat      => 'White', 
	shirt    => 'Red', 
	position => 'First Mate',
my %skipper_info = (
	name     => 'Skipper',
	hat      => 'Black',
	shirt    => 'Blue',
	position => 'Captain',
my @crew = (\%gilligan_info, \%skipper_info);
my $format = "%-15s %-7s %-7s %-15s\n"; 
printf $format, qw(Name Shirt Hat Position); 

foreach my $crewmember (@crew) {
	printf $format, @$crewmember{'name', 'shirt', 'hat', 'position'};
my %mr_howell = (
    name => 'Mr. Howell',
my %mrs_howell = (
    name => 'Mrs. Howell',
push @crew, \%mr_howell, \%mrs_howell;
foreach (@crew) {
    $_->{'address'} = 'The Island';
foreach (@crew) {
    printf "%s at %s\n", $_->{'name'}, $_->{'address'};
foreach (@crew) {
    $_->{'address'} = 'The Country Club' if $_->{'name'} =~ /Howell/;
foreach (@crew) {
    printf "%s at %s\n", $_->{'name'}, $_->{'address'};


% ./sample3.pl
Name            Shirt   Hat     Position       
Gilligan        Red     White   First Mate     
Skipper         Blue    Black   Captain        
Gilligan at The Island
Skipper at The Island
Mr. Howell at The Island
Mrs. Howell at The Island
Gilligan at The Island
Skipper at The Island
Mr. Howell at The Country Club
Mrs. Howell at The Country Club

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