- macOS Mojave - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Windows 10 Pro (OS)
- Visual Studio Code (Text Editor)
- Python 3.7 (プログラミング言語)
Python計算機科学新教本 ―新定番問題を解決する探索アルゴリズム、k平均法、ニューラルネットワーク (David Kopec(著)、黒川 利明(翻訳)、オライリージャパン)の1章(簡単な問題)、1.7(練習問題)4の解答を求めてみる。
Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from unittest import TestCase, main from secrets import token_bytes from typing import Tuple class OneTimePadTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test(self): with open('sample4.png', 'rb') as f: data: bytes = f.read() dumm_key, original_key = encrypt(data) result: bytes = decrypt(dumm_key, original_key) with open('sample4_1.png', 'wb') as f: f.write(result) self.assertEqual(result, data) def random_key(length: int) -> int: return int.from_bytes(token_bytes(length), 'big') def encrypt(original: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int]: dummy_key: int = random_key(len(original)) original_key: int = int.from_bytes(original, 'big') encrypted_key: int = original_key ^ dummy_key return dummy_key, encrypted_key def decrypt(key1: int, key2: int) -> bytes: decrypted: int = key1 ^ key2 return decrypted.to_bytes((decrypted.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
$ ./sample4.py . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s OK $ diff sample4.png sample4_1.png $
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