— \助けよや/ (@yoya) 2018年8月26日
あれ。。てっきり Lanczos 使ってると思ってたけど、PIL thumnail はデフォルト BICUBIC でそっちに似てる? ちょっと検証してみるか。確か PIL のは α:-0.5 なのでエルミートだったような。(BCファミリーの中でもあんまり良くないやつ)
Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from PIL import Image pil_im = Image.open('PNG_transparency_demonstration_2.png') help(pil_im.thumbnail)
入出力結果(Terminal, Jupyter(IPython))
$ ./sample.py Help on method thumbnail in module PIL.Image: thumbnail(size, resample=3) method of PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile instance Make this image into a thumbnail. This method modifies the image to contain a thumbnail version of itself, no larger than the given size. This method calculates an appropriate thumbnail size to preserve the aspect of the image, calls the :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.draft` method to configure the file reader (where applicable), and finally resizes the image. Note that this function modifies the :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image` object in place. If you need to use the full resolution image as well, apply this method to a :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.copy` of the original image. :param size: Requested size. :param resample: Optional resampling filter. This can be one of :py:attr:`PIL.Image.NEAREST`, :py:attr:`PIL.Image.BILINEAR`, :py:attr:`PIL.Image.BICUBIC`, or :py:attr:`PIL.Image.LANCZOS`. If omitted, it defaults to :py:attr:`PIL.Image.BICUBIC`. (was :py:attr:`PIL.Image.NEAREST` prior to version 2.5.0) :returns: None $
標準では\助けよや/さんの言う通り、BICUBIC法みたい。以前はNEAREST法だった模様。(引数での設定によって、NEAREST、BILINEAR、LANCZOS algorithm も選択可能。)
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