- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- JavaScript (プログラミング言語)
- Safari(Web browser)
Head First JavaScript Programming (Eric T. Freeman (著)、Elisabeth Robson (著)、O'Reilly Media)の Chapter 13.(Extra strength objects - Using Prototypes)の CODE MAGNETS(No. 8620)を取り組んでみる。
<pre id="output0"></pre> <button id="run0">run</button> <button id="clear0">clear</button> <script src="sample5.js"></script>
let btn0 = document.querySelector('#run0'), btn1 = document.querySelector('#clear0'), pre0 = document.querySelector('#output0'), p = (x) => pre0.textContent += x + '\n', range = (start, end, step=1) => { let result = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i += 1) { result.push(i); } return result; }; let Game = () => { let that = {}, level = 0, unlocked = false; play = () => { level += 1; p(`Welcome to level ${level}`); unlock(); }, unlock = () => { if (level === 42) { unlocked = true; } }; that.play = play; that.getLevel = () => level; that.getUnlocked = () => unlocked; return that; }; let Robot = (name, year, owned, game) => { let that = {}, deployLaser = () => { if (game.getUnlocked()) { p(`${name} is blasting you with laser beams.`); } }, toString = () => `${name} was made by ObjectsRUs in ${year} and is owned by ${owned}`; that.toString = toString; that.deployLaser = deployLaser; return that; }; let SpaceRobot = (name, year, owned, game, homePlanet) => { let that = Robot(name, year, owned, game), speak = () => 'speak', pilot = () => 'pilot'; that.getHomePlanet = () => homePlanet; that.speak = speak; that.pilot = pilot; return that; }; let output = () => { let game = Game(), robby = Robot('Robby', 1956, 'Dr.Morbius', game), rosie = Robot('Rosie', 1962, 'George Jetson', game), robby1 = SpaceRobot('Robby', 1956, 'Dr.Morbius', game, 'homePlanet1'), rosie1 = SpaceRobot('Rosie', 1962, 'George Jetson', game, 'homePlanet2'); p(robby.getHomePlanet); p(robby.speak); p(rosie.pilot); p(robby1.getHomePlanet()); p(robby1.speak()); p(robby1.pilot()); p(rosie1.getHomePlanet()); p(rosie1.speak()); p(rosie1.pilot()); }; let clear = () => pre0.textContent = ''; btn0.onclick = output; btn1.onclick = clear; output();
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