

Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)のPart 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 9(Arrays and Lists)の Exercise: Advanced Sorting Techniques.を取り組んでみる。

Exercise: Advanced Sorting Techniques.


#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

sub my_comp($str) {
    return $0 if $str ~~ /\d+(\w+)/;

say sort &my_comp, < 22ac 34bd 56aa3 12c; 4abc( 1ca 45bc >;
my @input = < 22ac 34bd 56aa3 12c; 4abc( 1ca 45bc >;

say sort &my_comp, @input;
say @input;

入出力結果(Terminal, REPL)

$ ./sample_sort.pl
(56aa3 4abc( 22ac 45bc 34bd 12c; 1ca)
(56aa3 4abc( 22ac 45bc 34bd 12c; 1ca)
[22ac 34bd 56aa3 12c; 4abc( 1ca 45bc]

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