- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- JavaScript (プログラミング言語)
- Node.js, Safari(JavaScript エンジン)
- Learning JavaScript [邦訳](参考書籍)
Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)の Part 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 7(Strings)の Exercise 7-1、7-3.を JavaScript で取り組んでみる。
Exercise 7-1、7-3.
<pre id="output0"></pre> <label for="word0">word0: </label> <input id="word0" type="text" value="banana"> <label for="letter0">letter0: </label> <input id="letter0" type="text" value="a"> <label for="word1">word1: </label> <input id="word1" type="text" value="IBM"> <label for="word1">n = </label> <input id="n0" type="number" step="1" value="-1"> <button id="run0">run</button> <button id="clear0">clear</button> <script src="sample1.js"></script>
let btn0 = document.querySelector('#run0'), btn1 = document.querySelector('#clear0'), pre0 = document.querySelector('#output0'), input_word0 = document.querySelector('#word0'), input_letter0 = document.querySelector('#letter0'), input_word1 = document.querySelector('#word1'), input_n = document.querySelector('#n0'), inputs = [input_word0, input_letter0, input_word1, input_n], p = (x) => pre0.textContent += x + '\n'; let count = (word, letter) => { let count = 0, i = 0; for(;;) { i = word.indexOf(letter, i); if (i === -1) { break; } i += 1; count += 1; } return count; }; let count1 = (word, letter) => { let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i += 1) { if (word.substring(i, i + 1) === letter) { count += 1; } } return count; }; let count2 = (word, letter) => word.split('').filter((c) => c === letter).length; let rotateLetter = (letter, n) => { n %= 26; n += n < 0 ? 26 : 0; let o = letter.codePointAt(0) + n; if (/[a-z]/.test(letter)) { return String.fromCodePoint(o - ('z'.codePointAt(0) < o ? 26 : 0)); } if (/[A-Z]/.test(letter)) { return String.fromCodePoint(o - ('Z'.codePointAt(0) < o ? 26 : 0)); } return letter; }; let rotateWord = (word, n) => word.split('') .map((c) => rotateLetter(c, n)) .join(''); let UnitTest = () => { let that = {}, run = () => { Object.keys(that).forEach((key) => { if (that.setUp) { that.setUp(); } if (/^test/.test(key)) { p(key); that[key](); } if (that.tearDown) { that.tearDown(); } }); }, assertEqual = (x, y) => { if (x === y) { p('ok'); } else { p(`failure - ${x} !== ${y}`); } }, assertTrue = (x) => { if (x) { p('ok'); } else { p(`failure`); } }, assertFalse = (x) => { if (x) { p('failure'); } else { p(`ok`); } }, assertThrow = (fn, name) => { try { fn(); p('failure'); } catch (e) { if (e.name === name) { p('ok'); } else { p('failure'); } } }; that.run = run; that.assertEqual = assertEqual; that.assertTrue = assertTrue; that.assertFalse = assertFalse; that.assertThrow = assertThrow; return that; }; let Test = () => { let that = UnitTest(); that.test_count01 = () => that.assertEqual(count('', 'a'), 0); that.test_count02 = () => that.assertEqual(count('a', 'a'), 1); that.test_count03 = () => that.assertEqual(count('b', 'a'), 0); that.test_count04 = () => that.assertEqual(count('banana', 'a'), 3); that.test_count05 = () => that.assertEqual(count('bnn', 'a'), 0); that.test_count06 = () => that.assertEqual(count('日本語', 'a'), 0); that.test_count07 = () => that.assertEqual(count('日本語abcde日本語', '日'), 2); that.test_count11 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('', 'a'), 0); that.test_count12 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('a', 'a'), 1); that.test_count13 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('b', 'a'), 0); that.test_count14 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('banana', 'a'), 3); that.test_count15 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('bnn', 'a'), 0); that.test_count16 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('日本語', 'a'), 0); that.test_count17 = () => that.assertEqual(count1('日本語abcde日本語', '日'), 2); that.test_count21 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('', 'a'), 0); that.test_count22 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('a', 'a'), 1); that.test_count23 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('b', 'a'), 0); that.test_count24 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('banana', 'a'), 3); that.test_count25 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('bnn', 'a'), 0); that.test_count26 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('日本語', 'a'), 0); that.test_count27 = () => that.assertEqual(count2('日本語abcde日本語', '日'), 2); that.test_rotate1 = () => that.assertEqual(rotateWord('A', 3), 'D'); that.test_rotate2 = () => that.assertEqual(rotateWord('Z', 1), 'A'); that.test_rotate3 = () => that.assertEqual(rotateWord('cheer', 7), 'jolly'); that.test_rotate4 = () => that.assertEqual(rotateWord('melon', -10), 'cubed'); that.test_rotate5 = () => that.assertEqual(rotateWord('IBM', -1), 'HAL'); that.test_rotate6 = () => that.assertEqual( rotateWord(rotateWord('Think Perl 6', 13), 13), 'Think Perl 6'); return that; }; let output = () => { Test().run(); let word0 = input_word0.value, letter0 = input_letter0.value, word1 = input_word1.value, n = parseInt(input_n.value, 10); p(count(word0, letter0)); p(count1(word0, letter0)); p(count2(word0, letter0)); p(rotateWord(word1, n)); }; inputs.forEach((input) => input.onchange = output); btn0.onclick = output; btn1.onclick = () => pre0.textContent = ''; output();
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