- 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 2
- 聞き取り・書き取り用CD付 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 金 淳鎬 ((原著, 翻訳)
- 小学生からの英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 宮本 尚寛 (翻訳)
- 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 超初級編 (CD付)
- 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 初級編
- 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 中級編
- 英語は絶対、勉強するな!応用編
今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、100語。
- plural
- Germany
- in single file: see file
- single-
- sickness
- snack
- uncle
- persist
- tweed
- inevitable
- card
- differ
- Singapore
- refusal
- dodging
- snipers
- your day in court: see court
- it's early days: see early
- at the end of the day: see end
- late in the day: see late
- someone's days re numbered: see number
- the good old days: see old
- solemn
- paralyses
- feather
- Wade
- machinery
- Sussex
- plough
- fingertrips
- pickup
- truck
- barely
- calf
- stunt
- to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps: see bootstraps
- oneself
- to pul a face: see face
- to pull someone's leg: see leg
- to pull your punches: see punch
- to pull rank: see rank
- to pull out all the stops: see stop
- to pull strings: see string
- to pull your weight: see weight
- to pull the wool over someones eyes: see wool
- manipulate
- casing
- crack
- chip
- Glue
- adhesive
- torrential
- golfers
- Scottish
- Open
- idols
- Spanish
- Cuba
- condemned
- iniquitous
- acquitting
- self[-defense
- retention
- indicative
- contracted
- contaminated
- Discretion
- Cynics
- rhetoric
- concrete
- contender
- frankly
- representation
- Ukraine
- fantastic
- alert
- gust
- perfume
- distinctive
- slight
- olive
- spat
- jacket
- ace
- wondered
- fiery
- shins
- ostrich
- furious
- grandstand
- Schemeichel
- swooped
- bets
- screaming
- setback
- alive and kicking: see alive
- to kick up a fuss: see fuss
- Mediterranean
- Marseilles
- starboard
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。
PodcastはABC News and Current Affairsの
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