

Learning PHP: A Gentle Introduction to the Web's Most Popular Language (David Sklar (著)、 O'Reilly Media)のChapter 4.(Groups of Data: Working with Arrays)のExercises 2.(No. 2075)を取り組んでみる。

Exercises 2.(No. 2075)


$locations_and_populations = array('New York, NY' => 8175133,
                                   'Los Angeles, CA' => 3792621,
                                   'Chicago, IL' => 2695598,
                                   'HOuston, TX' => 2100263,
                                   'Philadelphia, PA' => 1526006,
                                   'Phoenix, AZ' => 1445632,
                                   'San Antonio, TX' => 1327407,
                                   'San Diego, CA' => 1307402,
                                   'Dallas, TX' => 1197816,
                                   'San Jose, CA' => 945942);

$total = 0;
foreach ($locations_and_populations as $location => $population) {
  print $location . ': ' . $population . "\n";
  $total += $population;
print 'total: ' . $total . "\n";

入出力結果(Terminal, Interactive shell)

$ php70 -a < sample2.php
Interactive shell

Chicago, IL: 2695598
Dallas, TX: 1197816
HOuston, TX: 2100263
Los Angeles, CA: 3792621
New York, NY: 8175133
Philadelphia, PA: 1526006
Phoenix, AZ: 1445632
San Antonio, TX: 1327407
San Diego, CA: 1307402
San Jose, CA: 945942
total: 24513820

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