- OS X Lion - Apple(OS)
- BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc., Emacs(Text Editor)
- プログラミング言語: Python
初めてのコンピュータサイエンス(Jennifer Campbell、Paul Gries、Jason Montojo、Greg Wilson(著)長尾 高弘(翻訳))の3章(文字列)の3.8の練習問題を解いてみる。
3.8 練習問題
$ python Python 3.3.0 (default, Sep 29 2012, 08:16:08) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.58)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 'Comp' 'Sci' # 'CompSci' 'CompSci' >>> 'Computer' + ' Science' # 'Computer Science' 'Computer Science' >>> 'H2O' * 3 # 'H2OH2OH2O' 'H2OH2OH2O' >>> 'CO2' * 0 # '' '' >>> print("They'll hibernate during the winter.") They'll hibernate during the winter. >>> print("Absolutely not,\" he said.") Absolutely not," he said. >>> print("He said, 'Absolutely not,'\" recalled Mel.") He said, 'Absolutely not,'" recalled Mel. >>> print("\"He said, 'Absolutely not,'\" recalled Mel.") "He said, 'Absolutely not,'" recalled Mel. >>> print("hydrogen sulfide") hydrogen sulfide >>> print(left\\right") File "<stdin>", line 1 print(left\\right") ^ SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character >>> print("left\\right") left\right >>> print("""'''A ... B ... C'''""") '''A B C''' >>> print("'''A\nB\nC'''") '''A B C''' >>> len('') # 0 0 >>> x=3 >>> y=12.5 >>> print("The rabbit is {0}".format(x)) The rabbit is 3 >>> print("The rabbit is {0} years old.".format(x)) The rabbit is 3 years old. >>> print("{0} is average.".format(y)) 12.5 is average. >>> print("{0} * {1}".format(y, x)) 12.5 * 3 >>> print("{0} * {1} is {2}".format(y, x, y * x)) 12.5 * 3 is 37.5 >>> "%.2f" % 34.5 '34.50' >>> "{0:0>4d}".format(8) '0008' >>> "{0:<2d}".format(8) '8 ' >>> num = float(input()) 1.2 >>> num 1.2 >>> type(num) <class 'float'> >>> "{0:e}".format(34.5) '3.450000e+01' >>> "{0:.2e}".format(34.5) '3.45e+01' >>> "a" * -1 '' >>> quit() $
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