- OS X Lion - Apple(OS)
- BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc., Emacs(Text Editor)
- プログラミング言語: Ruby
『初めてのプログラミング 第2版』(Chris Pine 著、長尾 高弘 訳、オライリー・ジャパン、2010年、ISBN978-4-87311-469-9)の 7章(フロー制御), 7.5(練習問題)「壁にビールが99本」 を解いてみる。
- 『プログラミング言語 Ruby』David Flanagan, まつもと ゆきひろ 著 、卜部 昌平 監訳、長尾 高弘 訳、オライリー・ジャパン、2009年、ISBN978-4-87311-394-4)
- Rubyクックブック ―エキスパートのための応用レシピ集
#!/usr/bin/env ruby2.0 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- n = 5 n.downto(3) do |i| puts "#{i} bottles of beer on the wall, #{i} bottles of beer!" i -= 1 puts "Take one down, pass it around, #{i} bottles of beer on the wall!" end puts "2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer!" puts "Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall" puts "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer!" puts "Take one down, pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall!"
$ ./sample.rb 5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall! 4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall! 3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall! 2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer! Take one down, pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall! $
#!/usr/bin/env python3.3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- n = 5 for i in range(n, 2, -1): print("{0} bottles of beer on the wall, {0} bottles of beer!".format(i)) i -= 1 print("Take one down, pass it around, " + str(i) + " bottles of beer on the wall!") print("2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer!") print("Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall") print("1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer!") print("Take one down, pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall!")
$ ./sample.py 5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall! 4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall! 3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall! 2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer! Take one down, pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall! $
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