Real World Haskell
Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, Don Stewart(著)
山下 伸夫, 伊東 勝利
- OS X Lion - Apple(OS)
- BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc.(Text Editor)
- プログラミング言語: Haskell (純粋関数型)
Real World Haskell』(Bryan O'Sullivan、John Goerzen、Don Stewart(著)、山下 伸夫、伊東 勝利、株式会社タイムインターメディア(翻訳)、オライリー・ジャパン、2009年、ISBN978-4-87311-423-3)の8章(効率的なファイル処理、正規表現、ファイル名マッチング)の8.7(作成したパターン照合器を使う)の練習問題3.を解いてみる。
-- file: GlobRegex.hs module GlobRegex ( globToRegex , matchesGlob ) where import Data.Char (toUpper) import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~)) -- Trueの場合は大文字小文字を区別しない -- Flaseの場合は大文字小文字を区別する type Ignore = Bool globToRegex :: String -&lgt; Ignore -&lgt; String globToRegex cs i | i = '^': (map toUpper (globToRegex' cs)) ++ "$" | otherwise = '^': globToRegex' cs ++ "$" globToRegex' :: String -&lgt; String globToRegex' "" = "" -- 拡張ワイルドカード構文用に追加 globToRegex' ('*':'*':cs) = ".*" ++ globToRegex' cs globToRegex' ('*':cs) = ".*" ++ globToRegex' cs globToRegex' ('?':cs) = '.' : globToRegex' cs globToRegex' ('[':'!':c:cs) = "[^" ++ c:charClass cs globToRegex' ('[':c:cs) = '[':c:charClass cs globToRegex' ('[':_) = error "unterminated character class" globToRegex' (c:cs) = escape c ++ globToRegex' cs escape :: Char -&lgt; String escape c | c `elem` regexChars = '\\':[c] | otherwise = [c] where regexChars = "\\+()^$.{}]|" charClass :: String -&lgt; String charClass (']':cs) = ']' : globToRegex' cs charClass (c:cs) = c: charClass cs charClass [] = error "unterminated character class" matchesGlob :: Ignore -&lgt; String -&lgt; FilePath -&lgt; Bool matchesGlob i pat name | i = (map toUpper name) =~ globToRegex pat i | otherwise = name =~ globToRegex pat i
-- file: Glob.hs module Glob (namesMatching) where import Data.List (isInfixOf) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents) import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, splitFileName, (</&lgt;), pathSeparator) import System.Posix.Files (fileExist) -- Control.Exceptionだと上手くいかなかったのでOldExceptionに修正 -- ただし、将来のバージョンでは使えなくなるみたい(その旨が警告された) -- かといって、今のところ修正方法が分からない。。 import Control.OldException (handle) import Control.Monad (forM) import GlobRegex (matchesGlob) isPattern :: String -&lgt; Bool isPattern = any (`elem`"[*?") -- 拡張ワイルドカード構文か調べる isDeep :: String -&lgt; Bool isDeep = isInfixOf "**" namesMatching pat i | not (isPattern pat) = do -- 書き換えた箇所 exists <- fileExist pat return (if exists then [pat] else []) -- 拡張ワイルドカード構文の場合 | isDeep pat = do names <- getAllFileNames $ head pat return (filter (matchesGlob i pat) names) | otherwise = do case splitFileName pat of ("", baseName) -&lgt; do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory listMatches curDir baseName (dirName, baseName) -&lgt; do dirs <- if isPattern dirName then namesMatching (dropTrailingPathSeparator dirName) i else return [dirName] let listDir = if isPattern baseName then listMatches else listPlain pathNames <- forM dirs $ \dir -&lgt; do baseNames <- listDir dir baseName return (map (dir </&lgt;) baseNames) return (concat pathNames) getAllFileNames :: Char -&lgt; IO [FilePath] getAllFileNames c = do contents <- getDirectoryContents "." getAllFileNames' (return []) "" contents where start | c == pathSeparator = [pathSeparator] | otherwise = "." pre | c == pathSeparator = [pathSeparator] | otherwise = "" getAllFileNames' :: IO[FilePath] -&lgt; FilePath -&lgt; [FilePath] -&lgt; IO [FilePath] getAllFileNames' x _ [] = x getAllFileNames' x pre (f:fs) | f == "." = getAllFileNames' x pre fs | f == ".." = getAllFileNames' x pre fs | otherwise = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist (pre ++ f) contents <- if exists then getDirectoryContents (pre ++ f) else return [] if exists then do rest <- (getAllFileNames' x pre fs) recur <- (getAllFileNames' (return []) (pre ++ f ++ [pathSeparator]) contents) return (rest ++ recur) else do x' <- x getAllFileNames' (return ((pre ++ f):x')) pre fs {- doesNameExist :: FilePath -&lgt; IO Bool doesNameExist name = do fileExists <- doesFileExist name if fileExists then return True else doesDirectoryExist name -} listMatches :: FilePath -&lgt; String -&lgt; IO [String] listMatches dirName pat = do dirName' <- if null dirName then getCurrentDirectory else return dirName handle (const (return [])) $ do names <- getDirectoryContents dirName' let names' = if isHidden pat then filter isHidden names else filter (not . isHidden) names -- ここのpathSeparatorでUNIXかWindowsか判定 let i = if pathSeparator == '/' then True else False return (filter (matchesGlob i pat) names') isHidden :: String -&lgt; Bool isHidden ('.':_) = True isHidden _ = False listPlain :: FilePath -&lgt; String -&lgt; IO [String] listPlain dirName baseName = do exists <- if null baseName then doesDirectoryExist dirName -- 書き換えた箇所 else fileExist (dirName </&lgt; baseName) return (if exists then [baseName] else [])
入出力結果(Terminal, ghci)
$ ghci GHCi, version 7.4.2: :? for help Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done. Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done. Loading package base ... linking ... done. Prelude> :load Glob [1 of 2] Compiling GlobRegex ( GlobRegex.hs, interpreted ) [2 of 2] Compiling Glob ( Glob.hs, interpreted ) Glob.hs:12:1: Warning: Module `Control.OldException' is deprecated: Future versions of base will not support the old exceptions style. Please switch to extensible exceptions. Glob.hs:12:30: Warning: In the use of `handle' (imported from Control.OldException): Deprecated: "Future versions of base will not support the old exceptions style. Please switch to extensible exceptions." Ok, modules loaded: Glob, GlobRegex. *Glob> namesMatching "*.txt" False Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done. Loading package mtl-2.1.2 ... linking ... done. Loading package regex-base-0.93.2 ... linking ... done. Loading package regex-posix-0.95.2 ... linking ... done. Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done. Loading package unix- ... linking ... done. Loading package directory- ... linking ... done. ["./gpl-3.0.txt","./hello-in.txt","./in.txt","./input.txt","./out.txt","./out_tmp.txt","./output.txt","./quux.txt","./Scratchpad.txt","./tmp.txt"] *Glob> namesMatching "**.txt" False ["tmp.txt","Scratchpad.txt","quux.txt","output.txt","out_tmp.txt","out.txt","input.txt","in.txt","hello-in.txt","gpl-3.0.txt","sample_folder/tmp.txt"] *Glob> :quit Leaving GHCi. $
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