
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. parrots
  2. lamb
  3. double-breasted
  4. single-breasted
  5. blackberries
  6. pulp
  7. toddler
  8. constituency
  9. council
  10. marginal
  11. guardian
  12. shop steward
  13. constituent
  14. rank
  15. genuine
  16. manoeuvred
  17. reef
  18. landing craft
  19. weaving
  20. pottery
  21. compromise
  22. extracts
  23. maximum
  24. convinced
  25. prisoner
  26. presence
  27. alleged
  28. further
  29. argue
  30. institution
  31. ought
  32. modal
  33. diagnosis
  34. galloping
  35. uncivilized
  36. decent
  37. utterly
  38. dawning
  39. awful
  40. appalling
  41. terrible
  42. ignorance
  43. horrify
  44. liberals
  45. petition
  46. anonymous
  47. abandoned
  48. resented
  49. via
  50. bloodstream
  51. odors
  52. Velvet
  53. central reservation
  54. tolerate
  55. unbearable
  56. cramped
  57. atrocities
  58. breakdown
  59. punishing
  60. miscarriage
  61. borne
  62. solicitors
  63. squarely
  64. ruined
  65. invariably
  66. mad
  67. lent
  68. splash
  69. drab
  70. -stained
  71. approximately
  72. assess
  73. validity
  74. -roofed
  75. lid
  76. emptied
  77. smeared
  78. van
  79. speculation
  80. impropriety
  81. discount
  82. banish
  83. servants
  84. employee
  85. employer
  86. espionage
  87. extreme
  88. ambitions
  89. triumph
  90. era
  91. bury
  92. congressman
  93. can
  94. fickleness
  95. conspire
  96. destiny
  97. boycott
  98. to tempt fate: see tempt
  99. reluctant
  100. cracking
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を昨日の続きから10分くらい鑑賞。
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のChessを鑑賞。

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