今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- genuine
- fraud
- nonchalance
- Maturity
- sophistication
- patrol
- nerves
- accident prone
- lying
- supine
- I beg your pardon: see pardon
- resemblance
- arable
- desert
- impolite
- disrespectful
- impudence
- cheek
- ball
- parasite
- hatch
- larvae
- prohibit
- clampdown
- lifted
- bar
- gate
- prestigious
- modelling
- contaminated
- modernisation
- God forbid: see god
- heaven forbid: see heaven
- dispose
- kidnapper
- dump
- unconscious
- last-ditch
- requirements
- striking
- mock
- unkind
- fire brigade
- grenade
- abuse
- cruelty
- allegiance
- oath
- dear
- confusion
- bursting
- sworn
- somehow or other: see other
- tactics
- persist
- From stem to stern: see stem
- proponent
- halting
- obstinate
- refusal
- stain
- persistent
- neglect
- manufacturing
- irresponsible
- headstrong
- toadstool
- mould
- excessive
- reverses
- convictions
- shelling
- cram
- squeezed
- hatchback
- utterly
- notoriously
- libel
- suing
- suspicion
- bid1
- bid2
- crusty
- softly
- clamor
- hum
- rutted
- rutting
- son of a bitch
- ideal
- zealously
- hen
- commercial
- trawler
- cellmate
- classmate
- flatmate
- playmate
- roommate
- running mate
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のHoardingを鑑賞。
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