今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- grace
- banner
- unwrapped
- volley
- hurtle
- plastic surgeon
- broke
- distlling
- gratitude
- gratitude
- shortages
- disenchanted
- pagan
- euphoria
- Circulation
- cloud
- eclipse
- pollutants
- pollen
- maternal
- aptitude
- intuition
- diagnosed
- throat
- infection
- antibiotic
- junior
- aspirin
- contraception
- highlands
- precious
- hardships
- pockmarked
- redness
- liver
- objective
- optimistic
- obligation
- forbid
- doughs
- radiator
- boulder
- venue
- choppy
- horrendous
- assaulted
- pilling
- destabilize
- coachloads
- remains
- hence
- ox
- donkey
- brink
- drainpipe
- leisurely
- cot
- a mountain to climb: see mountain
- climbing
- torture
- indiscriminately
- compelled
- inept
- bureaucrats
- interfere
- cram
- hatchback
- murmur
- disturb
- gliders
- fished
- rumbled
- potholes
- clumsily
- withstand
- rut
- bitches
- boars
- mating
- glow
- leather
- dyeing
- dismiss
- dear
- rubbish
- deplete
- no-nonsense
- pledges
- shallow
- immediately
- terriers
- cattle
- cross-breed
- selective
- convenient
- ashore
- resentment
- squash
- emphasis
- endurance
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のHumanwire - Danny MacAskillを鑑賞。
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