
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. grace
  2. banner
  3. unwrapped
  4. volley
  5. hurtle
  6. plastic surgeon
  7. broke
  8. distlling
  9. gratitude
  10. gratitude
  11. shortages
  12. disenchanted
  13. pagan
  14. euphoria
  15. Circulation
  16. cloud
  17. eclipse
  18. pollutants
  19. pollen
  20. maternal
  21. aptitude
  22. intuition
  23. diagnosed
  24. throat
  25. infection
  26. antibiotic
  27. junior
  28. aspirin
  29. contraception
  30. highlands
  31. precious
  32. hardships
  33. pockmarked
  34. redness
  35. liver
  36. objective
  37. optimistic
  38. obligation
  39. forbid
  40. doughs
  41. radiator
  42. boulder
  43. venue
  44. choppy
  45. horrendous
  46. assaulted
  47. pilling
  48. destabilize
  49. coachloads
  50. remains
  51. hence
  52. ox
  53. donkey
  54. brink
  55. drainpipe
  56. leisurely
  57. cot
  58. a mountain to climb: see mountain
  59. climbing
  60. torture
  61. indiscriminately
  62. compelled
  63. inept
  64. bureaucrats
  65. interfere
  66. cram
  67. hatchback
  68. murmur
  69. disturb
  70. gliders
  71. fished
  72. rumbled
  73. potholes
  74. clumsily
  75. withstand
  76. rut
  77. bitches
  78. boars
  79. mating
  80. glow
  81. leather
  82. dyeing
  83. dismiss
  84. dear
  85. rubbish
  86. deplete
  87. no-nonsense
  88. pledges
  89. shallow
  90. immediately
  91. terriers
  92. cattle
  93. cross-breed
  94. selective
  95. convenient
  96. ashore
  97. resentment
  98. squash
  99. emphasis
  100. endurance
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を最初から10分くらいで鑑賞。
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のHumanwire - Danny MacAskillを鑑賞。

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