
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. architect
  2. to practise what you preach: see preach
  3. accomplishment
  4. dare
  5. devastating
  6. barbaric
  7. comprehension
  8. hense
  9. dreadful
  10. appal
  11. circulate
  12. versatile
  13. reservation
  14. comprehensive
  15. intolerable
  16. mustn’t
  17. blaming
  18. skinned
  19. diced
  20. otherwise
  21. tin
  22. dismissed
  23. extremists
  24. prevailed
  25. canned
  26. fate
  27. desperation
  28. treachery
  29. doomed
  30. ill-fated
  31. to blaze a trail: see blaze
  32. nature trail
  33. paper trail
  34. to flex your muscles: see muscle
  35. sighting
  36. sunken
  37. monoplane
  38. stalled
  39. smashed
  40. discerned
  41. corrupts
  42. moors
  43. rugged
  44. sow1
  45. sow2
  46. recommendations
  47. tale
  48. rough
  49. fuselage
  50. tinged
  51. maggot
  52. trout
  53. deserved
  54. occasionally
  55. apparently
  56. thugs
  57. awkward
  58. comprehensive
  59. shop steward
  60. constituent
  61. silos
  62. dole
  63. dry rot
  64. slamming
  65. ensued
  66. crisp
  67. to plough a furrow: see furrow
  68. plucked
  69. flippant
  70. flagged
  71. novelty
  72. bored
  73. boring
  74. brochures
  75. oozes
  76. scarlet
  77. ulcers
  78. cram
  79. hatchback
  80. murmur
  81. gliders
  82. rumbled
  83. filthy
  84. potholes
  85. withstand
  86. backing
  87. enterprise
  88. worsens
  89. quilts
  90. compromise
  91. legalising
  92. abortion
  93. prisoner of conscience
  94. pang
  95. ruthless
  96. to make someone’s flesh creep: see flesh
  97. swoons
  98. privatisation
  99. inevitable
  100. aerosol
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を最初から10分くらい鑑賞。
PodcastはiPhone Quick TipsのCapture and Organize Receiptsを鑑賞。

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