今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- spies
- experimenters
- guilty conscience: see conscience
- pleaded
- bodily
- grosserror
- misconduct
- elimination
- discrimination
- conspicuous
- transactions
- sensitivity
- coincide
- inherited
- fiery
- disgust
- blanks
- anthem
- testimony
- dug
- pillar
- agony column
- gossip column
- personal column
- spinal column
- steering column
- evacuated
- fraud
- death squad
- firing squad
- Flying Squad
- vice squad
- dump
- unconscious
- last-ditch
- discard
- obedience
- comprehensive
- appalling
- competence
- enact
- butchering
- appointed
- lime
- condemning
- lotion
- plastered
- bizarre
- monologue
- stale
- stink
- hyporisy
- ferocious
- endurance
- disciplined
- impart
- disadvantages
- shaky
- valid
- segregating
- garrisons
- poised
- savage
- leveled
- infusion
- rhubarb
- camomile
- peppercorns
- province
- tension
- homebuyers
- documentary
- a fly on the wall: see fly
- budding
- cotton bud
- taste bud
- bronzy
- merry
- hum and haw: see haw
- ho hum
- interminable
- notorious
- locate
- vinegar
- veg
- sparking
- highlands
- rift
- immense
- intolerance
- exploit
- reclaim
- shades
- scents
- teamed
- broad
- largely
- marvellous
- convicted
- stewards
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